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Our Chronicles What are the alternatives to plastic film/aluminum foil?

When it comes to preserving food, many people turn to plastic film or aluminum foil. But these materials come at a cost, both environmentally and financially. In this blog post, we'll explore some alternatives to plastic film and aluminum foil that are cheaper and better for the environment. Let's go !

Wax paper is an alternative to plastic film and aluminum foil. Made from natural materials, waxed paper is biodegradable and compostable. It is also highly effective in preventing food from sticking to surfaces. You can buy waxed paper at most grocery stores or online.

Parchment paper is another option. Like wax paper, parchment paper is made from natural materials and is biodegradable. It is also non-stick, making it a good choice for baking. Parchment paper can be purchased at most grocery stores or online.

If you're looking for an even more environmentally-friendly option, try using fabric food packaging rather than plastic film or aluminum foil. Cloth food wrappers are made from natural materials and can be washed and reused. You can find them online or in some health food stores.

Finally, if you need to wrap something in aluminum foil, consider using recycled aluminum foil. Recycled aluminum foil is made from old aluminum cans, so it's recyclable. You can buy recycled aluminum foil at most grocery stores or online.

There are many alternatives to plastic film and aluminum foil, so choose the option that best suits your needs and the environment!

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